Driv is a theatre-, dance- and music performance held at the Trondheim International Chamber Music Festival. Music by Ståle Storløkken. Line up: S. Storløkken, -synth, Kyrre Laastad and Tor Haugerud – drums. Trondheim Voices -voices, dancers and actors. Scenography by Gilles Berger. Directed and produced by Cirka Teater/Anne Marit Sæther


Håvard Aufles – piano, Bjørn Marius Hegge – bass, Tor Haugerud -trommer.

This is a new trio which play contemporary jazz, featured the compositions of the young piano player, Håvard Aufles. We are ahead of the first tour with the band, in Midt-Norge (middle of Norway).

EnEnEn with Johan Lindstrøm. Premiere at Kongsberg Jazzfestival

The free improvised based trio EnEnEn releases a new project with the fantastic Swedish guitar and pedal steel player Johan Lindström. The release concert for this project is at Kongsberg Jazzfestival at Sølvsalen. For the first time ever, EnEnEn play tunes, not only free improvised music. And Johan Lindström fits perfectly into the group and add hos special sound to the music!

Solo album “Råsane” released in Desember 2018

The new solo album by Tor Haugerud, Råsane, was released 1. Desember 2018. All music is composed, improvised and played by Tor on drums and percussion in addition to timpani, signal generator, drone commander and church organ. It was recorded at the Metodist Church in Trondheim. This is the solo debut album for Tor, and it is released on the label Particular Recordings Collective SA. Tor will be holding release concerts during first half of 2019.

Tor Haugerud – Råsane

The new solo album by Tor Haugerud, Råsane, was released 1. Desember 2018. All music is composed, improvised and played by Tor on drums and percussion in addition to timpani, signal generator, drone commander and church organ. It was recorded at the Metodist Church in Trondheim. This is the solo debut album for Tor, and it is released on the label Particular Recordings Collective SA.

Particular Recordings Collective “Labelconcert”

Particular Recordings Collective SA is a record company owned and run by musicians in Trondheim. The idea is to publish records of high quality and non profit music on digital  files, cd´s and vinyl. To celebrate the company 5 years anniversary, the music and 3 record releases, we arrange a labelconcert evening with 8 bands at Dokkhuset Scene, 15th of may 2018. A great event!!

Trondheim Jazz Orchestra “Composers workshop”

A new project with Trondheim Jazz Orchestra which is called “Composers Workshop”. All the members are composing for the project. A very interesting way of working. And the result is quite amazing! First concert in january and tour in november 2018 in Trøndelag. Line up: Sissel Vera Pettersen and Tone Åse- vocals. Martin Myhre Olsen, Klaus Holm and Eirik Hegdal – saxes and clarinets. Adrian Waade – violin. Hildegunn Øiseth – trumpet. Alf Hulbækmo – piano & synth. Petter Vågan – guitar. Bjørn Marius Hegge & Ole Morten Vågan – bass. Tor Haugerud – drums.

“Verken fugl eller fisk” by Teater Fot

A new Teater Fot production, “Verken fugl eller fisk”,  has premiere at Teater Avant Garden 21. of april 2018. The play is about all strange creatures “between fish and fowl”, and how the beginning of life started. For children from 3 to 5 years old. Actors: Ibrahim Fazlic and Gunhild Hjertaas. Musicians and composers: Siri Gjære and Tor Haugerud. Idea, manus and director: Lise Hovik. Scenography: Anne Helga Henning.